How it all begun
Re: Detailien Hives challenge to restore a severely damaged paint on a new Mercedes E class
In the beginning
WIND BACK................4 months ago
when the car first came


scuff paint by car cover.....drag damaged while puttin on and remove

long rids done by his helper

since then the car only washed by himself
more rids

more rids on the right hand hood (the same area that was damaged now)

a bit more scuffles

residue to earlier

i pointed out to the owner
more residues left

what more to say....MORE

imprefection only can be seen under proper lighthing....

som good friends scuffles

a 50 % 50 %

another 50% 50%

clearer 50 % 50 %

paint chipped .....later touch up

more chipped

more chipped paint

many many hours later

now elegantly detail and protected by ALIEN COAT-ing

ta da

ta da

ta da

WIND BACK................4 months ago
when the car first came
scuff paint by car cover.....drag damaged while puttin on and remove
long rids done by his helper
since then the car only washed by himself
more rids
more rids on the right hand hood (the same area that was damaged now)
a bit more scuffles
residue to earlier
i pointed out to the owner
more residues left
what more to say....MORE
imprefection only can be seen under proper lighthing....
som good friends scuffles
a 50 % 50 %
another 50% 50%
clearer 50 % 50 %
paint chipped .....later touch up
more chipped
more chipped paint
many many hours later
now elegantly detail and protected by ALIEN COAT-ing
ta da
ta da
ta da
now elegantly detail and protected by ALIEN COAT-ing
elegantly detail and protected by ALIEN COAT-ing
elegantly detail and protected by ALIEN COAT-ing
elegantly detail and protected by ALIEN COAT-ing
elegantly detail and protected by ALIEN COAT-ing
elegantly detail and protected by ALIEN COAT-ing
Thanks for view yet another Detailien Hives detailing adventure
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